I ran my first larp today! It was Emily Care Boss’s Under My Skin, a game about love, relationships and betrayal. A theme that’s close to my heart and subject matter I feel comfortable with. That seemed like a safe start. The run went well!

What happened?

  • Middle manager Derek (issue: rage) met his scholar wife Ling (issue: control) in China, and they moved back to Europe together. She couldn’t find a job because her degrees weren’t recognized and she was forced to be a housewife. The question of kids put another big strain on the relationship. Ling made science videos for youtuber Mal (issue: honesty) who tried to get her to move out of her dependence on Derek and start her own life, preferably with him. This instigation made Ling be more forceful about her wants and go back to western university to re-earn her degrees there. Eventually the kids became a reality!
  • Nurse Marianne (issue: abandonment) and online poker player John (issue: apathy) had a horrible relationship of convenience. He was an apathic boyfriend and she had abandonment issues. They were stuck, so stuck! Change arrived in the appealing form of Hanna (issue: paranoia), Marianna’s model friend. Hanna struck a chord with John and instigated a relationship in a very devious way. John confessed the affair to Marianne and she left him. It didn’t look like Hanna and John would make a long lasting couple, but Mal intervened quite heavily and gave John the kick up the ass he needed to not fuck up this second relationship as well.
2015-02-15 15.09.48
Derek and Ling, Mal, Marianne and John, and Hanna

Some of my favorite scenes:

  • John had two mirror scenes. One where Marianne came home to him playing poker and being a total dick, one (at the end of the game) where Hanna came home to him playing poker and he was a great boyfriend. The contrast between the two scenes was amazing and really showed his character development (and had Marianne’s player flipping him off from the sidelines repeatedly).
  • Even though the game is about romantic relationships, the Best Friend relationship with Mal really made John’s character. An apathetic character and an honest character is a great combination.
  • Marianne and John had the perfect dysfunctional relationship. She was so hungry for affection that his merest hint or anything that could be construed as a compliment made her really happy. It was both cute and terribly sad! The biggest applause was when she finally left him.
  • Derek and Ling had a highly functioning dysfunctional relationship filled with subtleties. It was frustrating to watch: they were both so invested in keeping up the facade that it was hard for them to even admit there was something to fix, even though they were swimming in undiscussed problems. Painful!
  • Hanna found a way to click with the completely apathic John that was believable and real. It worked very well.

Here’s some thoughts!

(Mainly for myself and thus a bit cryptic and unstructured)

  • Facilitating a player driven freeform is very easy, not harder than setting up a game of Fiasco. It’s far less draining than the improv games I’m used to GM’ing. You guide people through the scenes and add a little input. The players do all of the heavy lifting. I invited experienced players, so that made my job even easier. This is quite easy to do.
  • I like the theatre style larp where a few people play a scene and the rest watch it play out. It keeps everyone involved and builds a common story. Quite a lot of scenes ended in spontaneous applause.
  • I find it hard to stick to the strict procedural of these types of freeforms. They usually have a very long build up. That usually means that the GM is forcing people to go through talks and warm ups while it’s clear that everyone is itching to start play. I skipped quite a few warm up exercises and debriefs, and don’t really regret that. I might see more use for that in a less intimate group where not a lot of people know each other.
  • The setup for Under My Skin focuses a lot on what is wrong with the characters, their core issue. I feared that would stigmatize the characters and make them into caricatures, but that didn’t really happen in play. People became very human, and often ended up not being dicks (with the exception of John – he was a dick!). The issues also do really help create characters.
  • People fall into different rolls in the game. It seems the singles often end up being big instigators – either through offering temptation of a voice of reason. Sparks don’t always fly, or they fly in wrong directions. But those are just the currents of the game and you can work with them fairly easily.
  • It was very hard to come up with good lines in the game, and the lines we had set up didn’t really work. Which meant that, for the temptation scenes we came up with our own stakes for the scenes. “Will your character finally admit to herself that their happy relationship is a facade?” “Will your character confront their partner about their infidelity even if it means losing them?”. That stake setting worked out well.
  • I was afraid people would burn through their stories too quickly, but the pacing seemed about right. We played the entire thing in under six hours. I may have left the group scenes (the first one in particular) run a bit longer. It’s is the only chance for people to get acquainted with everyone else, really.

6 responses to “Under My Skin”

  1. Fantastic :-) it really is a great game!
    Are you going to run something at Consequences now? ;-)

    1. Well I helped run The Teapot Travesty last Consequences, which was a good first step (and fun!). For a real Consequences game I’d like to be able to present the procedural parts of American Freeform with a bit more um.. conviction?

      The way you present the game, the lead in, the warm up exercises, it all helps to set the tone of the game in a (sometimes small, sometimes large) significant way. It’s a bit of performance magic that I find a bit daunting and clashing with my (in my head) self-effacing nature.

      But I’m probably overthinking it! You do it very well. Calm and serious: “this is what this world is, and this is how we’re going to approach it”.

      1. With me, I hate being the focus of attention and people looking to me for instruction/guidance, but I had to do it if I wanted to get my games played :-)

        I found it tremendously difficult at first, but experience has helped! I still get very anxious though — this is one of the reasons why I always GM together with someone I trust, so we can continuously reassure each other (about decisions, and also with eye contact, touch etc). That helps me appear calm even when I’m not really ;-)

  2. Hello,
    I’m quite intrigued by those kind of games, mostly from a design point of view, but I don’t fully understand the appeal of playing with this particular “real life” themes. It can be an acquired taste, it might be something I need to experiment to comprehend… But, at this point, as interrested as I am in bringing more emotivity in my own games, situations I can already experiment “IRL” don’t really appeal to me “in game”.

    Am I missing something ?

    1. I’m not sure if you’re missing something, a lot of my friends would agree with you. One of my friends said “I game to explore the fantastic and see more than my mundane life, why would I play games about insurance and breast cancer?” And that’s certainly a valid point of view!

      For me the appeal is playing intense situations that hit home, because they are so close to home. The best part a fantasy game won’t be when I rode in on a dragon, or when I caused the demon plane of Ashara to crumble, but that moment right before the battle when my best friend said she would stand by me, no matter what. Or that moment when I found out I was adopted. You know, those human moments.

      Freeforms based on real life tend to strip away all the ‘fluff’ and deliver you to that moment in a very short time. It’s certainly not the only way to play, but it’s fun, intense, personal and empathic.

      How’s that? :)

  3. Mmmmmmmm.
    I’m very interrested in “human moments”, I try to be open to them IRL and I put a lot of work in bringing them to my own gaming tables… But I’m more interrested in “playing” with human moments I probably won’t ever experience IRL, somethin more foreign to me, like, say… trans-gender experience, humanity in battle, discovering you’re not actually human, trying to stay decent in politics…
    But relationship-drama, that’s something I actually encountered. A lot.

    Yet, you got me thinking : I might be interrested in a roleplay-relationship unlike anything I ever had or met. I might go for that…


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